

{ L O V E }

I'm in a romantic period
maybe it's because I've just celebrated my 10th anniversary with Mr B
maybe it's just for the moon and the stars
maybe it's just because I'm in love
maybe it's just because it's cold outside and I need a bit of warm inside
maybe it's because I love the idea of LOVE
maybe because I Love
maybe because it's love

I love that video and I needed to share it with you

I'm in love with Andrew+Carissa
It's my last discovery
I've read all the posts during Christmas Holidays
and I'm really obsessed with their history
their style
their photos
their friends

It's one of a kind 
Totally different from all the blogs outside
and from me...
no frills but semplicity
a bit naive
but with character...

You will love it!

Lesson n.4: LOVE

how it's cold....
Winter it's finally arrived!!!


5 commenti:

  1. Cara Gaia, questo tuo post...è cosi romantico da far sognare!!!
    E' bello...leggere un pò di AMORE!
    Buon proseguimento!

  2. Un post chiamato amore scalda il cuore...

    Lovely Idea

  3. Dolce Gaia,

    I always smile when you speak of loving your Mr. B. I love my Roman husband like that, too. How lucky I am. How lucky you are!

    I am listening to one of my favorite Stadio songs in this moment - - and I blow you kisses of friendship, Gaia.

    Please ... please, please, please blow your most beautiful Italy a kiss from me too. How I love Her and Her people. My heart will always belong to your land and your people.

    Tanti bacioni da mio cuore.

    Signora T

    p.s.... I think you are such a lovely person and I have always been fond of when you speak from the center of your heart. My heart sings when you do that.

    Sempre: Bless you, your Mr. G, your family and your cari amici, Gaia!

    x o x

  4. l'amour...
    raccontato da te: che carezza al cuore!!!

  5. Carissima l'amore è una delle nostra salvezze e come ti ho già detto vince... sempre... siete meravigliosi insieme e forse la cosa che mi piace di più è vedervi così diversi: insomma solo qualcosa di grande come l'amore poteva unirvi!



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