

{Une ville, un amour - Part 1}

Have you ever been to Nice or to the South of France?

Well it's something you can't describe with words because it won't be never enough!

What the French have, as a friend of mine told me today, it's that they are able to increase the value of what they have. 
Even a simple chair, or a bar ... They call them "Brasserie" and everything has another "flavour"...

What we , Italian, don't have anymore is that. We know that we have beautiful places, amazing monuments, unforgettable food and wine but we don't do nothing to emphasize that.

We take our beauty for granted, and that's wrong!
Completely wrong!

Here is a tour by pics of Nice... 
a place that I can call Home!

You better be careful walking on those little street...
Beautiful old terraces, sweet pale colors on the walls, big decorated windows, ornaments and decors
everywhere will make you walk turned-up nose ...

As all the place in the south , the vegetation is fantastic...
It's easy to find orange and lemon tree, bouganvilles that with their colors and scent embellish
even the worst place...

Maybe when you are on holidays you see everything beautiful, but to be objective ...
everything is beautiful!

The sun, the sea scent, the colors, the bright sky have a big influence on me so you can think I'm exagerated , but the pics talk for themselves!

Beautiful and uncommon shops have enchanted gardens.

I'm fascinated from French women, at whatever age they have that allure ...


Ah les belles filles !!!

Les français have an uncommon and naturale style and elegance.
Now I know why... they have amzing shops!

... more has to come....

Have a terrific week!
Hot and sunny!
Finally Summer arrived!

25 commenti:

  1. che bellissimi posti!dico che sempre che voglio andarci ma poi non mi decido mai!

  2. è stupenda vado tutti gli anni in vacanza, ormai la conosco meglio di Como!
    Buona giornata

  3. Your photos look magical, how I wish I was there right now!x

  4. Cara Gaia,
    sono con te al 100%, stiamo perdendo il treno purtroppo e questo mi rattrista moltissimo sai perhè avremmo così tanti posti meravigliosi!
    "What the French have, as a friend of mine told me today, it's that they are able to increase the value of what they have."
    E questo è esattamente il motivo per il quale io e Denny fuggiamo in Francia appena ci è possibile.
    Sono più intelligenti di noi? Siamo diventati degli sciocchi con poca voglia di fare qui in Italia?
    Sinceramente non riesco a capire, è un gran dispiacere però.Lo dico sempre:non ci sappiamo valorizzare.
    Un bacione,

  5. Hello Gaia,

    your post first made me wonder, if you are right, if it can really be such a difference in style/mind.

    But as I have been several times as well in Italy as in France I cannot but agree to your impressions: There is a difference in style.

    And I really really wonder why that is - as both countries are so to say mediterran, roman, european, even neighbours.

    What we saw on our visits in France was, that the French even treat their things very carefully. They seem to estimate their properties.

    Maybe because some things are not quite cheap - in Germany we oftenly pay half the prices that we saw in France.

    We also saw this difference in price in Sweden and the Swedish also seem to estimate their affairs more than we do.....

    However, your fotos are absolutely fantastic and offer a wonderwonderful french impression !

    Dearest greetings from Cologne


  6. Nice is nice :))
    thank you for the tour ;)

  7. Charming photos and you are right the French women are confident.~olive

  8. hai reso perfettamente l'idea... ed è verissimo le donne francesi hanno un non so che che le rende tutte bellissime ... charme?

  9. Omg this post is so stunned looking at these amazing images..i so want to go to the South of France sometime in my life...its just soo lovely! Hope you've been having a great week so far!

  10. Blogger è andato in tilt, si leggono solo i messaggi come anonimo....
    Ma che bei posti! Che voglia che avrei di venire insieme a mi ci porti per davvero una di queste volte? Magari a settembre?

  11. Gaia, è stupenda Nizza, io ci vado tutte le estati..ormai la conosco meglio di Como!!
    Buona giornata..
    Ghirlanda di Popcorn

  12. Che belli questi posti e che sole! Chissà come ti sarai rilassata...beata! E adesso il caldo soffocante di questi giorni, uaahhhh, vorrei morire!


  13. Hi Gaia,
    I just found your blog via Dreamy Whites... and I love it!
    Beautiful post on the South of France and I completely agree with your thoughts. I adore your english words too. So charming... everything:)
    I loved how you spoke of the relationship with your Mother in your interview with Maria as I have the same with mine :)
    Please come by for a visit at my blog La Dolfina sometime soon :)
    Your newest follower,

  14. Gaia, sentire di avere delle grandi potenzialità sprecate fa rabbia...chissà...adoro la loro cultura...sognando ad occhi aperti, sono già di la a preparare le valigie!!...Fortuna nn essere lontanissimi..
    Kiss mia cara

  15. ..ho riammirato le immagini......spettacolari, magike!!!!!!!

  16. Ah Gaia,
    i tuoi eportage fotografici sono tra i miei preferiti ! Riesci a catturare l'essenza di un luogo come poche.. brava! A Nizza ci andrò a fine agosto, solo un giorno credo ma me lo farò bastare :-)
    Un bacione

  17. Gaia your pictures are beautiful, I especially love the first ones of the buildings - brings me back so many happy memories of when I lived in Nizza la bella!

  18. Lovely pictures! I'd like to go to one of those dreamy places :)

  19. I had the joy of visiting Nice about 23 years ago. I remember having the best ice cream of my life in a darling little shop there.

    Thanks for the reminder.


  20. Hi again,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to come by for a visit today. I'm so happy you liked my blogs. It's so wonderful when we find new friends in blogland who feel like kindred spirits! Oh how I wish you lived near me and we could hang out and go treasure hunting together! If you are serious about some of my treasures... email me at and we'll work something out :)
    I'm so happy we connected Gaia.
    I'll talk to you soon!

  21. I´ve never been there...but it´s definitively on my wishlist! have a lovely day today! geisslein

  22. nice is such a wonderful place! i wish i could live there some day :)

    hava a lovely day!
    xo, tiina

  23. I was lucky enough to live in Nice for a year and I loved it. These photos have brought back some happy memories xx

  24. Oh I adore every one of these images! Sometimes I believe that I was meant to be French!



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