I love natural fabrics: cotton, wool and Linen.

I love that material and that duvet it's defenitely the one I'm looking for my home. Linen reminds my grandma, I don't know why but it's like that!
I remember when I was little and I took naps in her bedroom covered with a linen duvet.

When it comes to bedding I always prefer comfortable fabrics with and vintage touch. I love old things and even for linens I prefer old sheets in cotton or linen. It's extremely elegant in his semplicity ad with a marvellous texture.

Tricia from Rough Linen ' s collection is based on old linen from Tricia's (the owner) grandmother’s house in scotland and her own home in france. She wants to create a rough look with a texture that’s still soft on the skin. They have also great colored combinations. The yellow one isnt'it fabulous for summer?

Pubblica post
RispondiEliminaqueste lenzuola sono bellissime, sia per le tonalità che per la "pesantezza" del lino...una camera vestita in lino ha fascino particolare, senza tempo, come un abbraccio materno.
Grazie per lo spunto, il sito è meraviglioso.
Giulia s.
Ma che belle! Vado subito a vedere il sito...dici che spediscono?
RispondiEliminaThe linen is fabulous! I would love to have a set like that for my bed! xx
RispondiEliminaBuon pomeriggio Gaia!
RispondiEliminaSembra quasi di poterle toccare queste lenzuola.
Io sono fortunata e ne ho moltissime che arrivano dalle mie nonne e dalla bisnonna materna, alcune sono proprio di canapa spessa spessa, ruvida ruvida...ah che piacere infilarsi sotto quelle lenzuola calde d'inverno e fresche d'estate.
Che ricordi hai evocato...anch'io facevo dei bei pisolini nel letto della nonna che aveva sempre quel buon profumo di lisciva misto a odore di bruciacchiato (perchè la nonna era un'irriducibile utilizzatrice dei ferri da stiro vecchia maniera:quelli che si scaldano sulla piastra della stufa).
Che dolcezza e che nostalgia.
It delights me that you understand so well what the feel of linen means to me - my grandmother's house (which always smelled of tea, and salt air). I made this bedding just for myself, then found that other people had their own memories of wonderful, elemental linen...
RispondiEliminaSo thank you Gaia for this insightful post - and yes, I do ship, anywhere.
Very pretty. LInen is so beachy I love it!
RispondiEliminaSo rustic and homey. I love it!
RispondiEliminaLove the linen, so rustic and calming! Have a sweet day!
RispondiEliminaHello - I am new here and am so enjoying hopping from one to the next of your wonderful posts.
RispondiEliminaLinen duvet covers are wonderful.. in theory.. In reality they are quite heavy - in weight which if you, like me, like things light and soft, is not ideal.
Have some gorgeous hand stitched sets that I bought in my native Sweden some years ago. They look amazing but I never feel comfortable sleeping in them. Sadly..
x Charlotta