The problem is that I've so many things to do that I begin 100 things all toghether and at the end I realize that I've done nothing at all!
I've to learn to do one thing at the time and to keep the commitments! In this period I feel so enthusiastic for what I'm doing.... Bake, photos, projects, ideas that I've left aside my blog and your comments and I didn't visit you as I used to do... That's bad... You are my daily inspiration!
So this is a summary of my last week...
My birthday... October 28... I'm 35 old enough to be called Madam but young enough to feel free, alive and with a lot of opportunies to catch!
I've celebrated till sunday! With family and friends!

Then I've baked a lot... all my birthday's cakes and Halloween's cake and cookies! I love to bake and I'm so satisfied when I do something good ... In the past weeks I've made macarons, I've decorated my birthday cake, I've made blueberry cookies and lately a chocolate "monster" halloween cake and "booh" cookies! Everything came out so yummy! You have to trust me... I do not have any evidences left...

and my cinnamon halloween cookies!

We had a great Halloween/Birthday dinner with friends at my best friend's house!
On Sunday we went to Tuscany for visiting my relatives and to stay with my granny. It was a great day... sunny and warm but with fall colors! I love this period of the year, don't you?

This is it! My last week... Now it's time to go to bed! See you tomorrow!
oh my gosh - your photos are GORGEOUS! i especially love the outdoors ones :)
RispondiEliminaxo meg
Wow, you really have been baking. Everything looks so yummy and pretty! I'm glad you had a great birthday and weekend. Have a great week!
RispondiEliminaThat Jack-o-Lantern cake looks familiar and also those cokies! So yummy!
RispondiEliminawish you a great november - with a lot of great cakes and smiles and hugs and kisses ;o)
RispondiEliminaGaia, the cakes and cookies look mouthwatering!!! What lovely lovely things you make!
RispondiEliminaAnd the photos are beautiful... autumn suits your italian location (:
All your cooking looks gorgeous and yummy - you are very talented!
RispondiEliminaWendy xxx
The pictures are beautiful, and those cakes and cookies look divine!
RispondiEliminaWonderful! Sounds like a fabulous weekend. And I have to agree with you on the "commitments" issue. I need to get in the mind set that you only live once and this thing called "work" is not your only job in life! I'm trying to get back into my drawing. I bought some more art supplies. Excited for them to come in the mail. Hopefully soon I can start posting my sketches! And then of course buying a camera so that I can finally take pictures whenever I want and not just when I borrow someones! Have a great day!
RispondiEliminagorgeous photos, darling!
RispondiEliminaand those cakes... yum! :))
How lovely - the cake, the cookies, the scenery. Looks like a lovely way to welcome in 35!
RispondiEliminaDo I see a sweet little bakery opening in your future - you would be a huge success!
you always have such wonderful pictures!!!
RispondiEliminai'm doing are youuuu??
Wow - you're a baking genius! and they all look so delicious. Happy belated birthday Gaia.
RispondiElimina(and of course you are forgiven! can't wait to read your random things...)
Hello Gaia! Happy birthday! Sorry I'm late!!! Your cakes are simply faboulous!!! Bravissima!!!
RispondiEliminaBuona giornata e buon week end!
beautiful pictures!