Can you believe it? Well, let see... Yesterday was summer, now is fall (hot and sunny), tomorrow will be Halloween and Thanksgiving day and...CHRISTMAS!!!!
Yes, it's unbelievable how time is passing so fast! It's impossible to relax and take a breath that we have to start thinking on decorations, foods, gifts and many other things!
I love Christmas but who doesn't...
I love it so much that we start decorating the house the second week of november. We have a big and beautiful tree with a lot of decorations that we collected from years to years. It takes a lot to "build" it (it's a fake one) but it's worth all the effort! It brings joy and happiness at home ...
A lot of stores start to expose christmas objects...

This is the perfect time to think to gifts and decorations. Instead to arrive at the end on a hurry and panicking for the last gifts to buy, I always try to do a plan and a list of what I need and I start to look at the windows for some ideas!
So for a romantic friends a flower arrangment for the house...

or an old style sign ...

For kids why don't you buy old style toys?

I love the box I've seen in a store and at the "Country Christmas fair" at the beginning of September... Actually it was still Summer and it was really bizarre thinking at Christmas wearing shorts and sandals!!!

I can't wait for Christmas, snow, hot chocolat... and you? What do you love the most about Christmas? I love the atmosphere, I love to stay with my family. The only things I miss is a chimney...it would be so perfect!!!
Ladies I hope you'll have a terrific weekend...I'll be out of town till monday. I'm going to a friend's wedding on saturday and I'll spend Sunday celebrating my mom and my aunt's birthday (they are twins) in Tuscany!
See you ladies!!!
I can't wait for Christmas, it's my favorite holiday to decorate for. I have to focus on Halloween and Thanksgiving for now but I still can't wait!
RispondiEliminaDarling, you are rushing me. I'm not ready for the snow and cold weather of Christmas in New England. But I did find a really nice pair of warm boots I hope to get. :)
RispondiEliminaP.S. I'm glad you liked my photo. We have a pear tree in the yard that has so many of these we had wheelbarrows full.
Tuscany for the weekend-how lovely :) The only thing I don't look forward to about Christmas is the crowded shops.
RispondiEliminaah! i';m not ready for xmas yet! love writing out my xmas wish list though :)
For all things fashion:
I love oct-dec. Best time ever! I'm so far behind on my postings. I've been moving for days!
RispondiEliminaBut I do mean to do the list you tagged me on!
I know it is nearly Christmas...but I just can't believe it, not yet anyway...xv
RispondiEliminaCiao bella! ;) I am enjoying your blog...I became a follower a while ago but didnt get the feeds to my inbox and couldn't remember your blog name!...but I FOUND YOU AGAIN! WONDERFUL! I love your english translations of italian..they are delightful ;) I am planning a trip to Italy with my husband in 2012, to stay awhile in the Abruzzo region, I think...whereabouts are you? We could 'converse' in italian one day maybe! Once I start learning!! (i will have to do less blogging so I can learn to speak the lingo!)haha..love your blog 'alice'..
RispondiEliminablessings from new zealand
jessie xx
OH..I meant to comment on your post!! (not just to tell you I'm coming to italy!! haha)..I wanted to say that here in nz we are always in shorts and jandals for Christmas...I'm looking forward one day to a winter christmas..how wonderful that must be. Christmas to me tho is glorious sunshine! It would be good tho, to be able to see our fairy lights before 10pm!! Its not really the same in the daylight!
RispondiEliminaciao bella!
jessie x