Hi Ladies,
having a Guest on a blog has a very special meaning for me. It's the celebration of a friendship or a simple acquaintance, it's a tribute for a talent or just to express admiration for someone, to praise for being kind and nice.
It starts with a post, you read the post, you love the header, or a pics or a quotes. You follow the blog daily, you start commenting on that blog, than you start a conversation by mail and that's how a blog's friendship begin ...
That's the meaning of a Guest on my blog...

The very sweet
Irene from
Valdirose has been very kind to accept to be my Guest... It's a truly honour for me! I love her blog, her style and after few mails I understood we have so much in common...
I hope you'll enjoy her post...It's very poetic!

Eccomi qua. Il mio nome è Irene il mio blog è Valdirose.
here I am. My name is Irene from the blog valdirose.Sono pò imbarazzata ed emozionata (...si sa, non c'è mai una seconda "prima impressione")
ma felice ed onorata di essere a casa di Gaia che ammiro...
I'm a little imbarassed and excited (you know, there is not a second "first impression")
but happy and honored to be at Gaia's home. I admire her so much...
Perchè la ammiro così tanto?
do you want to know why I admire her so much?
1) per la sua semplicità
1) for her simplicity
2) per la sua femminilità
2) for her femininity
3) la sua capacità di far sentire le persone a casa
3) for her ability to make people feel at home
4) la sua creatività
4) for her creativity
ed il modo originale ed arruffato di essere tutte queste doti insieme!
and the the original way of being all these qualities together
non la conosco di persona,

ma sono sicura che deve essere coinvolgente
I'm sure that she is an incredible girl!
come una festa. proprio come quella che sto preparando per mia figlia (vedi foto)
funny and overwhelming like the party I'm preparing
Ti ringrazio Gaia per avermi ospitato nel tuo meraviglioso paese delle meraviglie!
Thank you Gaia for having me in your wonderland