Hi ladies,
I had a very cold weekend. Yesterday, after a short trip to IKEA (where we had lunch...Their salmon isn't so bed you know?), we took a quick walk in the city center because I had to go to one of my fav store and then, we spent the rest of a cozy afternoon at home in good company... books, hot cup of thè but no cookies!

This morning we woke up under a snow storm, for real...

Tomorrow I will be in NIce ( Cote d' Azur - South of France) for 3 days. A short trip but very important for me... I'm going with my best friend, she' s the only one, she's great, she has style and personality, she's my daily inspiration. She's tough and she loves me unconditionally... she's my mom! I'm ready to talk in French... Oui, biensur j'adore le francias et quand je peut j'aime bien le parler (Yes , sure I adore French and when I can I love to speak in french!)...

I know that tomorrow there's a market to visit and tuesday early in the morning we will go to a fruit and vegetable market and you know my passion for brocantage and antique market...My camera is ready for that and I hope I will show you some nice pics! I have no other plans , just enjoy my mom. I think it's our first trip all alone... just the two of us!
girls, tomorrow is February, another month has passed by! Two more months of cold and bad weather then spring! I can't wait for... Some of my project are coming to an end ... Maybe I'll tell you more soon...
Have a great weekend ... tell me about you! how are you?