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This is our kitchen... my mom made it. Yes , she's just a genius. With her hands and fantasy she can do and transform everything. She paintd the fabric and realise this amazing kitchen in a country/shabby style.
The romantic touch is made thanks to the old-vintage details as my Grandma's old pots that we attached on the wall, bright colors...
To me is just perfect! What do you think? It can be so easy and not expensive at all to "build" our own kitchen!
This is Pietrasanta a very small charming town in Versiliain the north of Tuscany. Famos for the production of marble,it has became famous thanks to many artists and sculptors that came to live there...One of te most recent artist was Botero that chose to set up his residence in part because the proximity to the marble quarries of Carrara and also because for his quite and beautyness...
Not 10 minutes away from the historical town, the town's Marina offers sandy white beaches...
I wish you could visit it... You will love it, for sure!
Audrey Hepburn was on of the first to wear it many years ago, then all the others stars...Now it's the time for the new generation of actresses and Carla Bruni, the "Premiere Dame" of France is only the last one to wear it in public ...
Pretty Ballerinas
Symbol of style and elgance, they are perfect with a little black dress or with a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans...It's up to you? There are no rules!!!
This week I did not write enough as I wanted... Too many thing in my mind...I'll get back soon with my usual enthusiasm and mor beatuful things... To all my followers friend and for the new ones that I hope they will join me soon, continue to follow me...Write me, ask me...I needs advises, suggestion or just an "hello!"from all of you... (Photo)
Defenitely I like white, no doubt at all!!! This house it's just perfect...The style is clean and it could seems not warm enough but, to me, it's the opposite. This house has a precise personality.
What about the bathroom? Isn't it amazing in his semplicity?
All the little girls, little princess in the house, should have a bed like this...
Beautiful light house with feminine shabby chic touch!!!
Today was one of that day when you wake up and the first thing you think it's to turn off the clock alarm and cover your face with the blanket , taking some more minutes on the warm of your bed before to get up and start the day... It's still raining...This year it's seems spring won't never arrive. I need it!!! My mood it's very "impressed" by the weather and a sunny day can always make me feel better even if I had the worst day of the year. It's almost 01:00 am in the morning and my day it's going to finish in few minutes... I tried to write a post but I felt not very inspired... It's not so bad, It can happens sometime? Actually I don't know what to do with my blog...I like to post my photos, my favorites web site and I do it , first of all, just for a passion I have...But...Who know's...I'm thinking to continue or not writing it...It's time to go to sleep... See you tomorrow... Image here
Petesham Nurseries... selection of plants, beautiful tools, gifts and antiques in a setting influenced by our unique location, imagination and travels.
I hope one day I'll have the chance to visit it in person, to walking around, to sit, relax and enjoy the home-made food from the Tea House or Cafe...
I love photos, flowers, the kind of fabrics and the antiques I saw in the web site...Can you imagine how amazing could be visiting it in person this place?
Take your time to visit the web site and read everything about the Petersham Nurseries and their battle...
Built by Wendy is a NYC- based line of women’s and men’s clothing and accessories. Very feminine and romantic clothes, it reminds me to vintage style that, lately, It's one of my favourite... In addition to designing her collections each season, Wendy wrote her own series of instructional sewing books called Sew U , designed a line of home sewing patterns for Simplicity Pattern Co. called Built by YOU and more...
There's no more difference: from 6 to whatever age all the girls/women like fashion and it's easy to find perfect clothes that mothers and daughters would wear ...don't you think?
Soeur Two sisters decided to dress young girls from 10 to 14 ( and their younger sisters)
I'm back... Saturday I spent the day in Tuscany. It was a fantastic sunny day at the beach, my firts time (for this season) in swimsuit, good food in a nice restaurant directly on the beach... I had the time to visit a nice Antique where I bought two old glass vases used for candies ...